Why I Like Turtle Tattoos

August 24, 2007 at 2:06 pm (Turtle Tattoos)

Don’t get me wrong, eagle tattoos are cool, and wolf and black panther tattoos are really nice looking too. But turtle tattoos get me right in my Native American background.

Turtles are the symbol of longevity. It’s believed that a turtle’s heart will continue to beat long after its dead, and so because of this determination to stay alive, it represents strength, fortitude, and power of spirit.

Adding to this longevity symbolism, turtles have been known to live over a hundred years, with some getting as old as two hundred years old. And as a species, turtles have been around for over 230 million years and existed before the dinosaurs.

Thus I like the strength of the turtle symbol and so I lean towards a turtle tattoo over any other.

Besides, a nicely placed turtle tattoo looks good whether its large or small. For some of the others you need size to show detail, but turtle tattoos can look good no matter how big or tiny they are.

1 Comment

  1. carrie said,

    that is all so true….i feel the same way, im looking for some ideas on where to get my turtle tattoo i mean placement and what design to get….you should give me some input i would apreciate it very much!!! peace and love C.

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